Changes up to Thunderbird 128 Beta

Thunderbird 116 Beta

Fixed defects

  • 5 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 116 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 117 Beta

messages API

Fixed defects

  • 1 WebExtension API defect fixed in Thunderbird 117 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 120 Beta

messages API

  • Added abortList(messageListId) to terminate any process currently still adding messages to the given list.

  • Added the messagesPerPage property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to allow queries to override the default size of message pages. See Working with message lists for more information.

  • Added the autoPaginationTimeout property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to allow queries to override the default pagination timeout of 1000ms. Long running queries will return pages even if they have not reached the nominal page size, to allow extensions to work with the already received results or terminate the list (and the associated query) using abortList(messageListId).

  • Added the returnMessageListId property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to force queries to immediately return the id of the list associated with the query, instead of waiting for at least one found message and returning the first page.

  • Extend allowed characters for tag names in createTag(key, tag, color), updateTag(key, updateProperties) and deleteTag(key) from alpha-numeric characters only, to all characters excluding ^ ()/{%*<>".

Fixed defects

  • 11 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 120 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 121 Beta

folders API

mailTabs API

messages API

  • Added the accountId, folderId, junk, junkScore, new and size properties to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to query for messages with the given properties.

  • Added the ability to query([queryInfo]) for a range instead of a fixed value for attachment, junkScore and size.

  • Added the monitorAllFolders parameter to the onNewMailReceived event, to allow extensions to listen for new messages in all folders, not just in inbox folders.

messages.tags API

All tag related functions have been moved into its own messages.tags API.

The former functions listTags(), createTag(key, tag, color), updateTag(key, updateProperties) and deleteTag(key) have been deprecated.

tabs API

  • Allow query([queryInfo]) to also provide an array of TabType for queryInfo.type, for example to find all mail and messageDisplay tabs.

Fixed defects

  • 6 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 121 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 122 Beta

messages API

Fixed defects

  • 2 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 122 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 123 Beta

messages API

  • Added deleteAttachments(messageId, partNames), to remove attachments from messages. The new messagesModifyPermanent is required to permanently modify the message content. The content-type of such attachments will be text/x-moz-deleted.

Fixed defects

  • 1 WebExtension API defect fixed in Thunderbird 123 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 124 Beta

menus API

  • Officially support remote http(s): urls for menu icons.

Fixed defects

  • 7 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 124 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 125 Beta

compose API

  • Added autoSave as a possible value of the saveInfo.mode property of the onAfterSave event.

  • Added isModified property to ComposeDetails, indicating whether the compose window will ask for confirmation before being closed, because its content has been modified but not yet saved.

messages API

  • Added an optional decrypt parameter to getFull(messageId, [options]), to request the decryption before parsing the message. Defaults to true.

  • Added an optional decrypt parameter to getRaw(messageId, [options]), to request the decryption before returning the raw message content. Defaults to false.

  • Added decryptionStatus property to MessagePart (one of none, skipped, success or fail).

messengerUtilities API

  • Adding a new API with useful helper functions.

  • Added formatFileSize(sizeInBytes) to properly format file sizes (for example 12 bytes or 11,4 GB).

  • Added parseMailboxString(mailboxString, [preserveGroups]), to parse a mailbox string containing one or more email addresses (see RFC 5322, section 3.4). For example User1 <>, User2 <> will return an array with two ParsedMailbox entries, giving access to the name and email part of the provided mailbox strings.

Fixed defects

  • 12 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 125 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 126 Beta

messageDisplayScripts API

Fixed defects

  • 4 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 126 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 127 Beta

folders API

mailTabs API

Fixed defects

  • 3 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 127 Beta: Bugzilla

Thunderbird 128 Beta

browserAction API

compose API

  • Added attachPublicPGPKey and selectedEncryptionTechnology properties to ComposeDetails

composeAction API

identities API

mailTabs API

menus API

messageDisplayAction API

messages API

messengerUtilities API

Fixed defects

  • 10 WebExtension API defects fixed in Thunderbird 128 Beta: Bugzilla