Changes up to Thunderbird 121 Beta

Thunderbird 117 Beta

messages API

Thunderbird 120 Beta

messages API

  • Added abortList(messageListId) to terminate any process currently still adding messages to the given list.

  • Added the messagesPerPage property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to allow queries to override the default size of message pages. See Working with message lists for more information.

  • Added the autoPaginationTimeout property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to allow queries to override the default pagination timeout of 1000ms. Long running queries will return pages even if they have not reached the nominal page size, to allow extensions to work with the already received results or terminate the list (and the associated query) using abortList(messageListId).

  • Added the returnMessageListId property to the queryInfo parameter of query([queryInfo]), to force queries to immediately return the id of the list associated with the query, instead of waiting for at least one found message and returning the first page.

Thunderbird 121 Beta

accounts API

  • Removed the deprecated function accounts.getDefaultIdentity().

  • Removed the deprecated function accounts.setDefaultIdentity().

folders API

The folders API has been changed to use a MailFolderId instead of MailFolder, to specify a folder. The nature of the id will change in a future release.

mailTabs API

messages API

messages.tags API

All tag related functions have been moved into its own messages.tags API.

The former functions messages.listTags(), messages.createTag(), messages.updateTag() and messages.deleteTag() have been removed.