Working with message lists

Mail folders could contain a lot of messages: thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

It would be a very bad idea to deal with that many messages at once, so the WebExtensions APIs split any response that could contain many messages into pages (or chunks). The default size of each page is 100 messages, although this could change and you must not rely on that number.

Each page is an object with two properties: id, and messages. To get the next page, call continueList(messageListId) with the id property as an argument:

let page = await messenger.messages.list(folder);
// Do something with page.messages.

while ( {
  page = await messenger.messages.continueList(;
  // Do something with page.messages.

You could also wrap this code in a generator for ease-of-use:

async function* getMessages(list) {
  let page = await list;
  for (let message of page.messages) {
    yield message;

  while ( {
    page = await messenger.messages.continueList(;
    for (let message of page.messages) {
      yield message;

let messages = getMessages(messenger.messages.list(folder));
for await (let message of messages) {
  // Do something with the message.
  let full = await messenger.messages.getFull(;

Working with queries

A query([queryInfo]) will be executed asynchronously and could need a long time to complete, if the user has a lot of messages.

Additionally, Thunderbird may have already found the relevant messages, but is not yet returning them. This is due to the pagination mechanism which typically only returns a page after 100 messages have been added (or until the end of the list is reached).

There are some measures to deal with these restrictions:

  • The auto pagination mechanism introduced in Thunderbird 121 will return pages after the defined autoPaginationTimeout (default is 1000 ms) even if the page has not yet reached its nominal page size. The auto pagination mechanism can be disabled by setting the autoPaginationTimeout property of the queryInfo object to 0.

  • An ongoing query can be terminated by aborting its associated list, using abortList(messageListId).

  • In order to abort a query even before any page has been returned (which includes the list id), the returnMessageListId property of the queryInfo object can be set. This changes the return value of query([queryInfo]) and immediately returns the id of the associated message list.